"Costco 40th Anniversary Scam Targets WhatsApp Users"
Researchers have warned that WhatsApp users should watch out for a scam that lures victims with the promise of cash rewards from retail giant Costco in return for completing a short survey, all in honor of Costco’s “40th anniversary”. The researchers noted that once victims click on a link in a WhatsApp message, they are taken to a website that asks them to fill out the survey. As might have been expected, the survey lists several options, but only one uncovers the “prize.” When a victim clicks on the wrong option, they are encouraged to “select a winning option,” but only as long as they share the campaign link with their WhatsApp contacts. Many victims share the link in the hopes that the prize is real. The researchers noted that this is partly why these kinds of scams often ensnare many people worldwide. Since many victims would share the link with friends and relatives, it makes others think that the prize is real. Once a victim reaches the final step to claim their “prize,” they are shown a bogus alert for the presence of malware on their device. Some flavors of these scams will go on to suggest that the victim should download an app to clean up the “compromised” device. In reality, however, it installs software that can steal their personal information. In other iterations, the victim may be prompted to share their banking details or other sensitive information in order to “transfer the money prize.”
WeLiveSecurity reports: "Costco 40th Anniversary Scam Targets WhatsApp Users"