"Cryptojacking Gang TeamTNT Makes a Comeback"

Researchers found new activity conducted by "TeamTNT" dating back to 2023, even though the group was believed to have disappeared in 2022. TeamTNT carried out numerous cryptojacking attacks, using victims' Information Technology (IT) resources to mine cryptocurrency illegally. According to Group-IB, the threat actor emerged in 2019 with its "homebrewed" malware involving an advanced toolkit of shell scripts and malicious binaries. The group's cryptojacking campaigns would target vulnerable public instances of "Redis," "Kubernetes" and "Docker" to steal credentials and install backdoors. This article continues to discuss the reemergence of the cryptojacking gang TeamTNT.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Cryptojacking Gang TeamTNT Makes a Comeback"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on