"Cyber Attack on Car Dealership Arnold Clark Forces Systems Offline"
The car dealership Arnold Clark has confirmed that it was the target of a cyberattack in December 2022. According to the company, it has protected the data of its clients, as well as its systems and third-party partners. However, the network outage has temporarily disrupted the company's operations and clients. The company's showrooms and branches are currently operational, and customers can be served through a temporary system until its complete systems are restored. In October 2022, the LockBit ransomware group also targeted Pendragon, a vehicle dealership situated in the UK. The company reported that it had faced an Information Technology (IT) security incident but that its operations were unaffected. Pendragon claimed that it would not pay the $60 million ransom sought by the attackers and would instead restore the system from backups. This article continues to discuss the cyberattack on the car dealership Arnold Clark that forced systems to go offline and another security incident faced by the UK-based car dealership Pendragon.
ITPro reports "Cyber Attack on Car Dealership Arnold Clark Forces Systems Offline"