"Cyber-Attacks Are Primary Funding Source for North Korea"

According to researchers at Venafi, cybercrime is now the primary means by which the North Korean state is funded. The researchers analyzed publicly available information on state-sponsored attacks directed by the hermit kingdom over the past four years. The researchers concluded that the Asian dictatorship now monetizes cyberattacks to circumvent economic sanctions and keep the Kim Jong-un regime alive. The researchers stated that North Korean attacks are often much more brazen and reckless than those sponsored by other states because they are not afraid of getting caught, making them particularly dangerous. It gives the cybercriminals they sponsor free reign to engage in highly destructive global attacks, such as the 2017 WannaCry attacks, affecting more than 200,000 users across at least 150 countries. North Korea is setting an example for other rogue states to follow. Belarus and even Myanmar can now see that cybercrime offers them a way of countering the worst effects of sanctions while making themselves more of a threat to the broader community. The researchers stated that global democracies must take more decisive action to mitigate the cyber threat from North Korea.


Infosecurity reports: "Cyber-Attacks Are Primary Funding Source for North Korea"

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