"Cyber Command Yearns for More Private Sector Threat Sharing"
In order to strengthen defensive capabilities and share threat information with the government, US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) wants more technology organizations on the front lines of the international cybersecurity effort. USCYBERCOM distributes information about cybersecurity, but according to Cyber Command Executive Director Dave Frederick, the organization needs more private companies to thoroughly report cybersecurity issues so that Cyber Command can learn from them. Additionally, Fredrick underlined that Cyber Command views cyberspace as a team effort and that cooperation is the only way effective cyber defense can be achieved. Frederick also highlighted the organization's continued emphasis on information sharing and collective defense measures with the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and the US telecommunications industry. Cyber Command's priorities include leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) to help exploit big data, enhancing the protection of Defense Department (DoD) weapons systems, and more. This article continues to discuss the need for more private sector threat sharing as well as Cyber Command's priorities.
MeriTalk reports "Cyber Command Yearns for More Private Sector Threat Sharing"