"Cyber Commission: Expand Connected Device Security Bill Beyond Federal Procurement Realm"

The proposed Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019 would require connected devices sold to the federal government to meet certain cybersecurity requirements. The Cyberspace Solarium Commission released a new white paper, calling for the expansion of the connected device security bill to all devices sold in the United States.  The Solarium Commission's white paper also highlights recommendations surrounding the modernization of critical services. One recommendation is to create grants to be added to any upcoming COVID-19 stimulus packages that would allow state, local, and tribal governments to obtain secure cloud services as social distancing has increased the reliance on cloud services for remote work. This article continues to discuss the suggested expansion of the proposed Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019 to cover all IoT products sold in the United States and other recommendations made in the Solarium Commission's new white paper. 

NextGov reports "Cyber Commission: Expand Connected Device Security Bill Beyond Federal Procurement Realm"


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