"Cyberattack Hits Major Hospital in Spanish City of Barcelona"

A ransomware attack on one of Barcelona’s main hospitals recently crippled the center’s computer system and forced the cancellation of 150 nonurgent operations and up to 3,000 patient checkups.  The attack happened Sunday at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona.  The attack shut down computers at the facility’s laboratories, emergency room, and pharmacy at three main centers and several external clinics.  The hospital director stated that they couldn’t make any prediction as to when the system will be back up to normal.  He said the hospital’s contingency plan would allow them to function for several days, but he hoped the system would be fixed sooner.  A Catalonia regional government statement said the region’s Cybersecurity Agency was working to restore the system.  The agency said Monday the attack was orchestrated from outside of Spain by a group called “Ransom House.”  So far, there has been no ransom demand made.  


SecurityWeek reports: "Cyberattack Hits Major Hospital in Spanish City of Barcelona"

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