"Cyberattacks a Growing Threat to Farm, Food Security, Warn U of G Researchers"
According to Dr. Ali Dehghantanha, a University of Guelph (UG) computer scientist, the threat of cyberattacks against Canadian farmers is growing as they adopt more on-farm smart technologies. His lab is the only Canadian university research center investigating an increasing number of cyberattacks against farm networks. Dr. Ali Dehghantanha hopes that his research will not only assist farmers in combating hackers, but will also encourage governments to develop data security standards for the agricultural sector. His research group has collaborated with UG food experts on studies of smart farming and cyberthreats, including a survey of on-farm wireless technologies in 2022. Producers are increasingly using smart farming and precision agriculture technology to grow and raise more food while reducing environmental impacts and waste from fertilizers and pesticides to help ensure food security. However, those interconnected sensors, smart meters, cameras, and other devices expose farmers to "data insecurity" and potential cyberattacks. His new paper, which examines current farm technology, is the first Canadian study to look into vulnerabilities, potential cyberattack strategies, and tactics in the agricultural sector. Farmers or security companies contact his research group of digital investigators about once a month for assistance in tracing suspected cyberattacks on farming networks. His team is working on techniques and procedures for detecting, analyzing, and responding to cyberattacks on smart farming systems. Farmers must practice "cyber hygiene" by updating systems, safeguarding private information, and employing authentication and password procedures. Dehghantanha also encourages manufacturers to consider deploying cyberthreat monitoring systems, which are being offered by various companies. In addition, he advises producers to cultivate relationships with system vendors to ensure prompt response in the event of a cyberattack. This article continues to discuss the growing threat of cyberattacks on farmers and efforts made by Dehghantanha and his research team to tackle this threat.
UG reports "Cyberattacks a Growing Threat to Farm, Food Security, Warn U of G Researchers"