"Cybercriminals Targeting Latin America with Sophisticated Phishing Scheme"

A new phishing campaign is targeting Latin America to deliver malicious payloads to Windows systems. According to Trustwave SpiderLabs researcher Karla Agregado, the phishing email includes a ZIP file attachment that, when extracted, reveals an HTML file leading to a malicious file download disguised as an invoice. The HTML file contains a link that displays an error message, but when accessed from an IP address in Mexico, it loads a CAPTCHA verification page using Cloudflare Turnstile. This step leads to a redirect to another domain, from which a malicious RAR file is downloaded. This article continues to discuss the new phishing campaign targeting the Latin American region.

THN reports "Cybercriminals Targeting Latin America with Sophisticated Phishing Scheme"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on