"Cybercriminals Unleash Diverse Wave of Attacks on COVID-19 Vaccine Researchers"

Organizations working to develop a COVID-19 vaccine have been experiencing an increase in government-led attacks. A variety of attacks on COVID-19 research teams and facilities aim to steal information about potential vaccines. Google released a report highlighting the rise in government-executed cyberattacks against healthcare organizations engaged in efforts to find a cure. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are seeing a significant increase in attacks from South Korea and South America. Such organizations are encouraged to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, as well as operate in a zero-trust environment to strengthen their cybersecurity. This article continues to discuss the targeting of COVID-19 vaccine research organizations by cybercriminals, the impact of cyberattacks on vaccine development, and what companies should do to protect their COVID-19-related research.

TechRepublic reports "Cybercriminals Unleash Diverse Wave of Attacks on COVID-19 Vaccine Researchers"

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