"Cybercriminals Using Enterprise-Based Strategies For Phishing Kit Development And Deployment"

Research conducted by Akamai Technologies found that cybercriminals are using enterprise-based development and deployment strategies to target some of the world's biggest tech brands, including Microsoft, PayPal, DHL, and Dropbox. The strategies being used by cybercriminals include phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS). The Akamai 2019 State of the Internet / Security Phishing: Baiting the Hook report highlights the advancement of phishing beyond email to social media and mobile devices, which produces a far-reaching impact on all industries. Phishing will continue to be a popular method among adversaries until personalized awareness training programs and layered defense techniques are implemented by companies. This article continues to discuss key findings of the report in regard to the evolution of phishing and the targeting of top global brands by cybercriminals in the launch of phishing attacks.

PR Newswire reports "Cybercriminals Using Enterprise-Based Strategies For Phishing Kit Development And Deployment"

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