"Cybersecurity Burnout Costing Firms $700m+ Annually"

According to security researchers at Hack The Box, British and US enterprises may be throwing away as much as $756m each year through lost productivity due to burned-out cybersecurity staff.  The researchers claimed UK employers may be losing a combined $130m annually, while their US counterparts could be down by as much as $626m due to lost productivity.  The research pointed the blame squarely at employee burnout.  The researchers claimed that 84% of responding cybersecurity professionals are experiencing stress, fatigue, and burnout due to the rapid pace of technological change, mounting threat volumes, and being forced to perform outside their skillset.  The researchers added that many (74%) have taken time off due to work-related mental well-being problems.  Interestingly, 90% of CISOs globally said they are concerned about the impact of stress, fatigue, and burnout on their security team’s well-being, versus just 47% of CEOs.  The researchers stated that there is a need for business leaders to work more closely with cybersecurity professionals to make mental well-being a priority and actually provide the solutions they need to succeed. 


Infosecurity Magazine reports: "Cybersecurity Burnout Costing Firms $700m+ Annually"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on