"CyLab Researchers to Present at ACM CHI 2024"

CyLab Security and Privacy Institute researchers will present ten papers and participate in one special interest group at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024). One of the papers is titled "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cybervulnerability Impact Assessment for Energy Critical Infrastructure." The researchers interviewed 18 experts in the field of energy critical infrastructure to compare what information they believe is necessary to assess the impact of computer vulnerabilities contained by energy operational technology. These experts fell into two groups: computer security experts and energy sector operations experts. Findings from this study could be used to inform the development of interdisciplinary security approaches in critical infrastructure contexts. This article continues to discuss the CyLab research that will be presented at CHI 2024.

CyLab reports "CyLab Researchers to Present at ACM CHI 2024"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on