"The Dangerous Rise of GPS Attacks"

Attacks on GPS signals and wider satellite navigation systems, known as GNSS, have increased. Attackers can jam signals, forcing them offline, or spoof signals to make aircraft and ships appear in false locations on maps. Governments and telecommunications organizations, along with airline safety experts, are now warning of disruptions and potential major disasters stemming from such attacks. Attacks against GPS, and the wider GNSS category take two forms. GPS jamming aims to overwhelm GPS signals and disable the systems. Spoofing attacks can replace the original signal with a different location. For example, spoofed ships may appear on maps as if they are at inland airports. This article continues to discuss the rise and potential impact of GPS attacks.

Wired reports "The Dangerous Rise of GPS Attacks"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on