"The Dark Web is Flooded With Offers to Purchase Corporate Network Access"

Researchers from Positive Technologies have found an increase in interest in accessing corporate networks on the dark web.  In Q1 2020, the number of postings advertising access to these networks increased by 69 percent compared to the previous quarter. The researchers believe that this may pose a significant risk to corporate infrastructure, especially since many employees are working remotely.  "Access for sale" on the dark web is a generic term, which usually refers to credentials, software, exploits, or anything else that allows illicitly controlling one or more remote computers.  In Q4 2019, over 50 access points to the networks of major companies worldwide were publicly available for sale on the dark web.   In Q1 2020, this number rose to 80. Adversaries usually sell access to industrial companies, finance, science and education, IT, and professional services companies.

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