"Data for 700M LinkedIn Users Posted for Sale in Cyber-Underground"

After 500 million LinkedIn enthusiasts were affected in a data-scraping incident in April, it's happened again. Researchers at Privacy Sharks discovered a new posting with 700 million LinkedIn records on a popular hacker forum called RaidForums. The records were posted by a hacker calling himself "GOD User TomLiner." The advertisement, published on June 22nd, claims that 700 million records are included in the cache and included a sample of 1 million records as "proof." The researchers examined the free sample and saw that the records include full names, gender, email addresses, phone numbers, and industry information. The researchers stated that it is unclear what the origin of the data is but that the scraping of public profiles is a likely source. According to LinkedIn, no breach of its networks has occurred.


Threatpost reports: "Data for 700M LinkedIn Users Posted for Sale in Cyber-Underground"

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