"Data is Most at Risk on Email, With 83% of Organizations Experiencing Email Data Breaches"

Researchers from Egress conducted a news study where they interviewed 500 IT leaders and 3,000 remote-working employees in the US and UK across vertical sectors, including financial services, healthcare, and legal.  The researchers found that 95% of IT leaders believe that company data is at risk on email and that 83 percent of organizations have suffered a data breach via this channel in the last 12 months.  The researchers also found that human error was at the root of nearly one-quarter of incidents, with 24% caused by an employee sharing data in error.  Most participants (85%) stated that they are sending more emails due to remote working, heightening the risk of an email data breach.  Of the participants, 59% of the IT leaders reported an increase in email data leaks since implementing remote working due to the pandemic.

Help Net Security reports: "Data is Most at Risk on Email, With 83% of Organizations Experiencing Email Data Breaches"

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