"DDoS Attacks Increasingly Blended Multiple Attack Vectors in Q3 2017"

A majority of DDoS attacks that were launched in the third quarter of 2017 were multi-vector attacks, according to Nexusguard's Q3 2017 Threat Report. Multi-vector DDoS attacks used attack vectors such as universal datagram protocol (UDP) flood, network time protocol (NTP) amplification, and more. Imperva's Global DDoS Threat Landscape Report also revealed that attacks on bitcoin exchanges are increasing. This article further discusses the findings shared within these reports in relation to the increase of multi-vector DDoS attacks, overall increase of DDoS attacks, and perpetrators of these attacks in the third quarter of 2017, along with findings from other reports regarding DDoS attacks. 

eSecurity Planet reports "DDoS Attacks Increasingly Blended Multiple Attack Vectors in Q3 2017"


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