"DDoS attacks in Q2 2021"

In a new study, researchers at Kaspersky analyzed DDoS Intelligence statistics they collected on botnets in Q2 of 2021. The researchers stated that the countries that suffered the most DDoS attacks in Q2 were the US (36%), China (10.28%), and Poland (6.34%). The country with the most botnet C&C servers was the US (47.95%), while the bulk of bots attacking IoT devices in order to assimilate them were located in China. The most DDoS-active day in the quarter was June 2, when the researchers registered 1,164 attacks. On the quietest day, they observed only 60 DDoS attacks. The researchers also found that most DDoS attacks occurred on Tuesdays (15.31%), while the calmest day of the week was Sunday (13.26%). The longest DDoS attack observed by the researchers in Q2 lasted 776 hours (more than 32 days). The researchers also found that UDP flooding was used in 60% of DDoS attacks.


Securelist reports: "DDoS attacks in Q2 2021"

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