"Deepfake Attacks Are About to Surge, Experts Warn"

Security researchers from Recorded Future have found that new deepfake products and services are cropping up across the Dark Web.  Cybercriminals are increasingly sharing, developing, and deploying deepfake technologies to bypass biometric security protections and in crimes including blackmail, identity theft, social engineering-based attacks, and more, experts warn.  The researchers stated that the drastic uptick in deepfake technology and service offerings across the Dark Web is the first sign a new wave of fraud is just about to crash in.  Within the next few years, the researchers believe that both criminal and nation-state threat actors involved in disinformation and influence operations will likely gravitate towards deepfakes, as online media consumption shifts more into "seeing is believing."


Threatpost reports: "Deepfake Attacks Are About to Surge, Experts Warn"

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