"Defense Award Launches Purdue Project to Strengthen Cyber-Physical Systems"

Purdue University researchers have launched a multidisciplinary project to model, simulate, and analyze Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), aiming to improve system robustness and make system analysis more scalable and effective. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is sponsoring the multiphase $6.5 million project named "FIREFLY," through its FIRE (Faithful Integrated Reverse Engineering and Exploitation) program. FIREFLY will use various Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, including Machine Learning (ML), knowledge management, and logic reasoning, to model and analyze CPS as well as any vulnerabilities discovered within them. The project will also involve a multidisciplinary range of knowledge and expertise, including hardware and software analysis, complex system design, cyber-physical security, and automatic control. This article continues to discuss the goals of the FIREFLY project. 

Purdue University reports "Defense Award Launches Purdue Project to Strengthen Cyber-Physical Systems"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on