"Energy Department Offering $70 Million for Security, Resilience Research"

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced that it’s offering up to $70 million in funding for research into technologies that can boost the resilience and security of the energy sector.  The funding offered through this project, named the All-Hazards Energy Resilience program, is for research in four key areas: cyber threats, physical threats, natural disasters, and extreme weather events fueled by climate change.  The DOE noted that in terms of cybersecurity research, it is looking for “cybersecurity tools and technologies specifically designed to reduce cyber risks to energy delivery infrastructure, leading to next generation tools and technologies not available today that will become widely adopted throughout the energy sector to reduce a cyber incident disruption to energy delivery.”  The DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) is in charge of the program.  CESER is expected to fund up to 25 projects, awarding between $500,000 and $5 million for each project.  The DOE noted that the funding can be claimed by national laboratories, companies, non-profits, government organizations, tribal nations, and universities.  The submission deadline is March 4, 2024, and the expected date for awards is September 2024. 


SecurityWeek reports: "Energy Department Offering $70 Million for Security, Resilience Research"

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