"Extending the Breadth and Depth of our Partnerships - JCDC 2024 Priorities"

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency established the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) to propel unified efforts across public and private partners in order to accomplish important cybersecurity outcomes. The JCDC has released its 2024 priorities, which are not that of CISA alone but also reflect shared goals for government, industry, and international partners. The JCDC's priorities for 2024 include defending against abuse by Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors, especially those supported by the People's Republic of China (PRC), on and against US-based infrastructure, reducing the impact of ransomware on critical infrastructure, and more. This article continues to discuss the JCDC's priorities for 2024.

CISA reports "Extending the Breadth and Depth of our Partnerships - JCDC 2024 Priorities"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on