"Fake Amazon Gift Cards Deliver Dridex Trojan"

Researchers at security firm Cybereason have found that cybercriminals are targeting online shoppers in the U.S. and Western Europe with fake Amazon gift cards that deliver the Dridex banking Trojan.  Since the phishing campaign began earlier this month, the attackers have target thousands of victims.  The Dridex banking Trojan has been active since 2012 and is primarily distributed by the Evil Corp cybercrime group.  The attackers send a phishing email stating the recipient has received a free Amazon gift card to begin their phishing campaign. The email prompts the user to click and download the gift card, which is contained in a malicious attachment.  If the victim downloads the malicious attachment, then one of three attack scenarios occur.  This article continues to discuss the three attack scenarios that occur if the victim downloads the malicious attachment.  

Healthcare Info Security reports: "Fake Amazon Gift Cards Deliver Dridex Trojan"

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