"FBI Officially Linked the Diavol Ransomware Operation to the Infamous TrickBot Gang"
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has linked the Diavol ransomware operation to the TrickBot group, who are behind the TrickBot banking Trojan. The developers of the TrickBot banking Trojan, which has been active since October 2016, have continuously updated it with new capabilities. The botnet continues to be offered through a multi-purpose malware-as-a-service (MaaS) model. Over a million computers have been infected by the TrickBot botnet. Findings from an analysis conducted by IBM X-Force researchers further suggested a link between Diavol ransomware and the TrickBot malware. The Bot ID generated by Diavol is almost the same as the format used by TrickBot and the Anchor DNS malware, also linked to the TrickBot gang. This article continues to discuss the Diavol ransomware operation and its link to the notorious TrickBot gang.