"FBI warning: Trickbot And Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on US Hospitals"

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Health and Human Services warn US healthcare providers to be on high alert over Trickot malware and ransomware targeting the sector. CISA flagged Anchor_DNS, a backdoor created by the eastern European hackers behind the multifunctional Trickbot malware. The Anchor_DNS backdoor forces infected PCs to communicate with command-and-control servers over DNS to bypass network defense products and hide malicious communications with legitimate DNS traffic. The FBI is currently investigating recent attacks against healthcare providers in Oregon, California, and New York.  The US government has warned hospitals to back up systems, to disconnect systems from the internet where possible, and avoid using personal email accounts.

ZDNet reports: "FBI warning: Trickbot And Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on US Hospitals"

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