"Five Things South Africa Must Do to Combat Cybercrime"

Cyberattacks continue to grow in frequency and sophistication worldwide, with severe consequences for countries' strategic, national, economic, and social well-being. According to the authoritative international Cybercrime Magazine, global cybercrime costs will rise by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion by 2025. Basie von Solms, the Director of the Centre for Cyber Security at the University of Johannesburg, has watched the growing problem of cyberattacks in South Africa and internationally over the last 30 years. He has outlined five key ingredients that need to be considered in the cybersecurity ecosystem to fight cybercrime in South Africa, which include recognition of cybercrime as a governance issue, skilled practitioners and advisors, savvy citizens, public-private partnerships, and a dedicated national director of cybersecurity. This article continues to discuss the rise in cyberattacks globally, the growing problem of cyberattacks in South Africa, and Solms' suggestions regarding how South Africa can combat cybercrime.

The Conversation reports "Five Things South Africa Must Do to Combat Cybercrime"

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