"Future Quantum Computers May Pose Serious Security Risks to Our Communications"

A new report released by the RAND Corporation brings further attention to the threat that future quantum computers may pose to the security of current communications systems. The quantum-mechanical properties contained by quantum computers are expected to allow them to perform calculations at a significantly faster rate than classical computers. The speed at which quantum computers will calculate could lead to the obsoletion of current encryption algorithms. RAND researchers suggest that the U.S. government takes a centrally-coordinated whole-of-nation approach to address the challenges that will arise when quantum computers are fully developed and adopted. It is essential to establish and implement policies and risk reduction measures in support of building a future communications infrastructure that can stand against quantum cyber threats. This article continues to discuss the importance of developing post-quantum security measures, the need to implement an interoperable standard for post-quantum cryptography soon, and what the U.S. government should do to prepare for the era of fully developed quantum computers.

The RAND Corporation reports "Future Quantum Computers May Pose Serious Security Risks to Our Communications"

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