"Google Open-Sources Atheris, a Tool for Finding Security Bugs in Python Code"

Google has open-sourced its Python fuzzing utility called Atheris. Fuzzing refers to the process of feeding a software application with invalid or random data until it reveals a flaw. The goal of fuzzing is to find and fix vulnerabilities in software applications before malicious actors exploit them. Over the years, Google's security researchers have been the greatest advocates for the use of fuzzing tools to discover common bugs and critical vulnerabilities that could pose a significant threat to security when exploited by attackers. Other fuzzing tools developed and open-sourced by Google include OSS-Fuzz, Syzkaller, ClusterFuzz, Fuzzilli, and BrokenType. Atheris differs from those tools in that it focuses on finding bugs in Python applications instead of C or C++ applications. This article continues to discuss the Atheris fuzzing tool's development and use in the discovery of bugs in Python-based codebases. 

ZDNet reports "Google Open-Sources Atheris, a Tool for Finding Security Bugs in Python Code"


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