"The GriftHorse Mobile Trojan Has Stolen a Fortune From Over 10 Million Victims"

Evidence suggests that the new "GriftHorse" Android Trojan has stolen millions of dollars from more than 10 million victims globally. According to Zimperium zLabs, the new malware has been embedded in nearly 200 malicious applications, which have been distributed through the Google Play Store and third-party application platforms. GriftHorse has generated millions in revenue for its operators each month as it has infected so many devices. The GriftHorse campaign, believed to have been in operation since November 2020, tricks victims into handing over their phone number, which is then used to subscribe them to premium SMS messaging services without their knowledge and consent. The categories of Android apps through which the malware has been distributed include communication, dating, lifestyle, music, health, education, personalization, productivity, simulation, finance, and more. This article continues to discuss the distribution, capabilities, and impact of the GriftHorse Trojan. 

"The GriftHorse Mobile Trojan Has Stolen a Fortune From Over 10 Million Victims"


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