"Group Said to Be Behind Attempted Campaign Hack Has Also Gone After Cybersecurity Researchers"

The Iranian-linked hacking group that made more than 2,000 attempts to compromise email accounts associated with a U.S. presidential campaign, government officials, journalists, and prominent Iranians that live outside Iran, is also said to be targeting cybersecurity researchers. According to researchers at ClearSky Cyber Security, the group known as Charming Kitten, APT35, or Phosphorus, has been sending phishing emails to them. The hacking group also created a phishing website that appears to belong to ClearSky. In addition, the group built a fake web-mail page aimed at attacking ClearSky's clients. Such efforts have highlighted the extent to which cybercriminals may go to attack cybersecurity researchers when they try to expose hackers' operations. This article continues to discuss the attacks executed by the Iranian hacking group against cybersecurity researchers and other discoveries surrounding the group's latest activities. 

CyberScoop reports "Group Said to Be Behind Attempted Campaign Hack Has Also Gone After Cybersecurity Researchers"

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