"Hackers Went After Personally Identifiable Information the Most, Study Says"
According to a recent analysis conducted by Imperva, which examined the top 100 breaches from July 2021 to July 2022, hackers targeted Personally Identifiable Information (PII) 42.7 percent of the time. The Imperva study stated that of all the types of data available for cybercriminals to steal, such as credit card information, passwords, and source code, PII is the most valuable because criminals can compile more PII from the dark web to then engage in more complex fraud schemes that are harder to prevent fraud or full-on identity theft. Imperva conducted the research using publicly available web sources, breach news, hacker forums, studies of stolen database dumps, and data from its own honeypots. This article continues to discuss key findings from Imperva's analysis of 100 data breaches.
SC Magazine reports "Hackers Went After Personally Identifiable Information the Most, Study Says"