"To Help Protect Our Elections, NIST Offers Specific Cybersecurity Guidelines"

In an effort to bolster election security, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has drafted guidelines for local election officials on how to address cyber threats that could impact election infrastructure and disrupt the voting process. The Draft Cybersecurity Framework Election Instractructure Profile (NISTIR 8310) applies the principles of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to election systems. The new guide covers the protection of physical locations like polling places as well as the technology involved in voter registration databases, voting machines, and the networks that connect them. This article continues to discuss the development and content of NIST's plain-language guide aimed at strengthening election-related technology against cyberattacks. 

NIST reports "To Help Protect Our Elections, NIST Offers Specific Cybersecurity Guidelines"

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