"Here's How Crooks Will Use Deepfakes to Scam Your Biz"
All of the materials and tools required to create deepfake videos are widely available and for sale on the public internet and underground forums, from source code to publicly available images and account authentication bypass services. According to Trend Micro researchers, cybercriminals are exploiting this availability of resources and developing deepfakes to enhance today's crime techniques, such as Business Email Compromise (BEC). Furthermore, deepfakes are being used in web advertisements to make Elon Musk, security experts, and others appear to be endorsing products with which they have no affiliation. Deepfake attacks are significantly reshaping the threat landscape for organizations, financial institutions, celebrities, political figures, and even ordinary people, according to the researchers. Corporations, in particular, should be concerned about deepfakes because criminals are using them to create fake individuals, such as job seekers, to scam their way into positions, or impersonate executives on video calls to trick employees into transferring company funds or data. The FBI revealed that it has received an increasing number of complaints about the use of deepfake videos during interviews for tech jobs that require access to sensitive systems and information. Deepfake actors can use fake identities to trick unsuspecting customers or employees into sharing payment information, or they can use network access to explore IT assets, steal corporate data, deliver ransomware, and more. Recently, a Binance PR executive claimed that crooks used a deepfake Artificial Intelligence (AI) hologram of him to scam cryptocurrency projects via Zoom video calls. A sophisticated hacking team used previous news interviews and TV appearances to create a deepfake of Patrick Hillmann, the crypto hypermart's chief communications officer. This article continues to discuss how cybercriminals are using deepfakes in their attacks.
The Register reports "Here's How Crooks Will Use Deepfakes to Scam Your Biz"