"Here's How Phishing and Malware Attacks Are Evolving"

Cybercriminals are continuing to modify coronavirus-related phishing and malware attacks to increase the chances of tricking unsuspecting victims in certain geographic locations into giving up personal information and financial details. Google Cloud has shared details on the surge in COVID-19-related cyberattacks in specific regions, including those in the U.K., India, and Brazil. Malware, phishing, and spam campaigns have been observed using different ways to lure victims based on the areas in which they are located. For example, people in the U.K. are receiving phishing emails appearing to be from the Small Business Grant fund, which is a government initiative created to help small businesses during the pandemic. This article continues to discuss the rise of regional hotspots for coronavirus-themed cyberattacks, the regionally relevant lures that attackers are using, Google's AI-based security systems, and measures users can take to stay safe from malicious campaigns. 

ZDNet reports "Here's How Phishing and Malware Attacks Are Evolving"









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