"Hiding in Plain Sight: Generative AI Used to Replace Confidential Information in Images With Similar Visuals to Protect Image Privacy"

A system developed by a team of researchers from Japan, China, and Finland could protect image privacy by using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Their system replaces parts of images that pose a threat to confidentiality with visually similar but AI-generated alternatives. During testing, 60 percent of viewers could not spot altered images. The researchers hope this system will make image censoring more visually cohesive, preserving image narrative while protecting privacy. This article continues to discuss the work on generative content replacement in image privacy protection.

The University of Tokyo reports "Hiding in Plain Sight: Generative AI Used to Replace Confidential Information in Images With Similar Visuals to Protect Image Privacy"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on