"Hospitals At Risk Due To Outdated Operating Systems"

Palo Alto Network's threat intelligence team, known as Unit 42, has brought further attention to the critical shape of the healthcare sector due to the use of network-connected medical equipment that runs outdated operating systems. Outdated operating systems include Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. According to the IoT report recently released by the research team, many hospitals still use these unsupported operating systems to run equipment such as X-Ray machines, MRI machines, and CAT scanners, increasing their vulnerability to attacks. 83 percent of the 1.2 million internet-connected devices in hospitals and other healthcare organizations examined by the researchers were discovered to be running outdated software. This article continues to discuss the use of outdated operating systems by the healthcare sector and the threat posed by unsupported machines. 

Silicon UK reports "Hospitals At Risk Due To Outdated Operating Systems"


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