HoTSoS 2021: Social Media Chair

Meet the HoTSoS 2021 Team:

Social Media Chair

HoTSoS is just around the corner again, and introductions to the 2021 Program Committee are in order. First up on the docket is John Symons (KU)! John will be serving as our Social Media Chair and we are very excited to have him! 

About the Chair

John Symons is Professor of Philosophy at The University of Kansas. He currently leads a project on “Formal Approaches to the Ontology and Epistemology of Resilience” funded by the Department of Defense as part of KU’s science of security lablet. He is author of 11 books or edited volumes and 53 articles and book chapters. He was past editor-in-chief of Synthese (2002-11), the leading journal in epistemology and philosophy of science and has served as editorial board member of numerous interdisciplinary journals and journals of philosophy. He currently serves as executive editor of Philosophy and Technology.  He is a regular participant in Complexity Science programs and groups internationally. John has experience as Department Chair in two universities and has served as visiting faculty at Peking University and The University of Lisbon. He represents Ireland in the Institut International de Philosophie (IIP) and is an associate member of the Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des science et des techniques (IHPST), Paris 1.

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