"House Members Reintroduce Pipeline Security Act"

More than a dozen members of the US House Committee on Homeland Security have reintroduced the Pipeline Security Act. This bipartisan legislation aims to explicitly codify Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) roles in securing critical infrastructure pipelines. It will also require TSA to develop a personnel strategy for security staffing, as well as improve mechanisms for stakeholder engagement and congressional oversight of TSA's efforts. The reintroduction of this bill, which was initially introduced in 2020, follows the ransomware attack launched by the criminal group DarkSide against Colonial Pipeline's IT systems. The ransomware attack led to gas shortages and higher prices, further emphasizing the need for Congress to improve efforts to strengthen critical infrastructure and cybersecurity capabilities. This article continues to discuss the reintroduction and goals of the Pipeline Security Act. 

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