"How Lack of Visibility Over IaaS Cloud Infrastructure Fuels Cyberattacks"

The COVID-19 crisis has sped up the adoption of cloud technologies, further emphasizing the importance of strengthening cloud security. Although more businesses are adopting cloud technologies to protect their data and networks, their processes are weak. According to a new report from SailPoint, an identity management firm, the rush to adopt Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) for cloud infrastructure has created security challenges. More than 40% of cyberattacks stem from the lack of visibility and control deficiencies associated with IaaS infrastructure management and access. This article continues to discuss the increased use of IaaS cloud environments during the pandemic and the hurdle created by this rush in IaaS adoption. 

CISO MAG reports "How Lack of Visibility Over IaaS Cloud Infrastructure Fuels Cyberattacks"


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