"How much does the average employee know about data privacy?"

The 2018 Eye on Privacy report found that 58 percent of employees had never heard of the PCI Standard.  PCI Standards are a global set of payment card industry (PCI) guidelines that govern how credit card information is handled. It was also found that 12 percent of employees were unsure if they should report a cybercriminal stealing sensitive client data while at work.  Employees within the Technology sector were least likely to identify and prioritize the most sensitive information. For example, 73 percent of those in the tech sector ranked Social Security numbers as most sensitive, compared to 88 percent of employees in all other industries ranking this type of data as most sensitive. The study also found that employees were more comfortable with a mobile device app tracking their device’s location, than with an app accessing contact and browser information, being able to take pictures and video, and posting to social media.  Theft of login credentials was considered the most serious threat to sensitive data, with disgruntled employees stealing data and phishing emails coming next.  The findings give weight to the vital role employees play in a strong data privacy posture and the continuing need for privacy awareness training in protecting sensitive information.

HELPNETSECURITY reports: "How much does the average employee know about data privacy?"


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