"Huge Rise in Hackers Submitting Vulnerabilities During #COVID19"

Researchers at HackerOne surveyed hackers and discovered that the number of hackers submitting vulnerabilities went up by 63% in 2020. The number of cloud misconfiguration vulnerabilities submitted by hackers in 2020 rose by 310%, while submissions for both improper access control and privilege escalation went up by 53%.  The researchers also found that hackers increasingly targeted different types of technologies in 2020.  There was a 694% growth in hackers saying they spend time hacking APIs, a 663% rise in those hacking Android, and a 1000% increase in hackers focusing on IoT compared to 2019. The researchers also asked hackers about their motivation, finding that money is not the only factor; for instance, 85% cited learning, and 62% cited advancing their career.  Hackers earned over $40m in bounties last year.

Infosecurity reports: "Huge Rise in Hackers Submitting Vulnerabilities During #COVID19"

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