"The Humble Printer Is Still a Leading Cause of Cyberattacks"

A study conducted by Sharp researchers reveals that many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the UK are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to unsecured printers. According to an analysis conducted by the company, printer-related security risks are still greatly overlooked by many SMBs, with one-third revealing that they have not implemented security measures to protect them. Nearly one-fifth of companies have experienced a security breach caused by printers. Researchers found that mid-market organizations were the most likely to report one or more data loss instances stemming from printer-related breaches. About one-third of SMBs in Europe reported data loss, malware, phishing, and computer virus attacks due to printer security breaches. This article continues to discuss printer cyberattacks remaining a pervasive risk for SMBs, with many overlooking potential vulnerabilities.

ITPro reports "The Humble Printer Is Still a Leading Cause of Cyberattacks"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on