"'Inconsistent and Misleading' Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyber Attacks"

A study conducted by Steve Furnell, Professor of Information Security and leader of the Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research (CSCAN) at the University of Plymouth, explored the effectiveness of password meters. Password meters are supposed to guide users in the creation of strong passwords to bolster the security of their accounts and personal data. However, the assessment of 16 commonly used passwords meters revealed that the effectiveness among these meters vary as some push for the creation of more complex passwords, while other meters allow significantly weak passwords. In addition to examining the effectiveness of dedicated password meter websites, the study also assessed meters embedded in Dropbox, Reddit, and other common online services, as well as those used by some devices. This article continues to discuss the study and its key findings surrounding password meters. 

The University of Plymouth reports "‘Inconsistent and Misleading’ Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyber Attacks"

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