"Innovative NIST Research Enhances Cybersecurity"

The National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bug Finder is a detection technology that identifies errors in code without executing the code itself and serves as a testbed. NIST's Information Technology Laboratory received a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP) grant in 2022 to support its AI Bug Finder project, and the research behind it continues. It has the advantage of being a modular program that enables the comparison of various AI-based techniques and datasets. It can be expanded to support new languages and source code models. The technology's modularity lets software developers switch out algorithms and procedures for better bug detection. This article continues to discuss NIST's AI Bug Finder project.  

NIST reports "Innovative NIST Research Enhances Cybersecurity"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on