"'Internet of Things' Could Be an Unseen Threat to Elections"

Laura DeNardis, Professor of Communication Studies at the American University of Communication wrote a book, titled "The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch," in which she discussed how unsecured Internet of Things (IoT) devices pose a threat to consumer safety, national security, and democracy. DeNardis brings further attention to the use of insecure internet-connected objects to interrupt political communication, stop people from voting, and execute highly targeted spear-phishing attacks. Efforts must be made by consumers, political institutions, and manufacturers to strengthen IoT security and privacy. This article continues to discuss the potential for election interference through the use of IoT devices and systems, as well as how this issue could be addressed over the long term. 

The Conversation reports "‘Internet of Things’ Could Be an Unseen Threat to Elections"


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