"Interpol Arrests More Than 30 Cybercriminals in Global 'Synergia' Operation"

International law enforcement has detained 31 suspected cybercriminals and discovered 1,300 malicious servers used to conduct phishing attacks and distribute malware. Interpol's Operation Synergia ran from September to November 2023. It was launched in response to the growth and escalation of transnational cybercrime, as well as the need for coordinated action against new cyber threats. The operation involved nearly 60 law enforcement agencies and a few private companies. They took down 70 percent of the identified Command-and-Control (C2) servers, most of which were in Europe, Hong Kong, and Singapore, with others still being investigated. In addition to the 31 arrests, Interpol identified 70 more suspects behind phishing attacks, the spread of banking malware, and ransomware distribution. This article continues to discuss Interpol's Operation Synergia.

The Record reports "Interpol Arrests More Than 30 Cybercriminals in Global 'Synergia' Operation"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on