"Interpol Warns of 'Alarming' Cybercrime Rate During Pandemic"

The international criminal police organization Interpol has warned of the significant rise in cybercrime during the coronavirus pandemic.  An assessment conducted by the organization has revealed that cybercriminals have shifted their focus from individuals and small businesses to major corporations, governments, and critical infrastructure. According to Interpol's Secretary-General Juergen Stock, the fear stemming from the unpredictable social and economic situation created by the pandemic has led to an increased rate at which cybercriminals are developing and enhancing their attacks. The increased dependence on the internet has also created new opportunities for cybercriminals to execute attacks. This article continues to discuss the growth in cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Security Week reports "Interpol Warns of 'Alarming' Cybercrime Rate During Pandemic"


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