"Iran-Linked Hackers Claim Attack on Albania's Institute of Statistics"

Homeland Justice, an Iran-linked hacking group that has previously targeted Albanian state agencies and businesses, has claimed responsibility for an attack on the country's Institute of Statistics (INSTAT). This institute is responsible for census data and other official statistics. The cyber incident affected INSTAT's official website and email service, forcing the agency to delay official statistics. INSTAT announced that the hackers did not access recent census data because it is stored in other systems dedicated to this purpose. However, the hackers claimed to have accessed more than 100 terabytes of Albania's geographic information system and population data. According to the group's Telegram channel, the data has been copied and removed from the servers. They also posted a video of allegedly leaked documents. This article continues to discuss the attack on Albania's INSTAT claimed by Homeland Justice.

The Record reports "Iran-Linked Hackers Claim Attack on Albania's Institute of Statistics"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on