"Kaiji Botnet Targets Linux Servers, IoT Devices"

Researchers at a security firm called Intezer have discovered a new botnet called Kaiji.  The Kaiji botnet is spreading by targeting SSH protocols, which use encryption to establish a remote link between a device and a server.  It uses brute-force methods, using combinations of usernames and credentials to hack Linux servers that have ports exposed to the internet, and IoT devices.  The malware targets the "root" account of Linux-based devices.  If the malware is successful, then it will give the operators of the Kaiji botnet full control of the Linux device. In addition to giving the Kaiji botnet operators a platform to launch a DDoS attack, the malware also attempts to start SSH brute-force attacks against other exposed devices to help build the botnet.  The malware also steals SSH keys to infect other devices to which a server previously connected.  

Bank Info Security reports: "Kaiji Botnet Targets Linux Servers, IoT Devices"

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